Kelly Logan


19 Aug: Understanding Anti-Dilution Clauses

Dilution occurs when a company issues new shares, reducing the ownership percentage of existing shareholders. This typically happens during fundraising rounds when new investors come on board, or through employee stock options, convertible securities, or mergers. Dilution can significantly impact an existing shareholder’s control over the company and their share of future profits.

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08 Jul: Key Provisions of a Shareholders Agreement

A shareholders agreement is a legally binding contract between the shareholders of a company and the company. It outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the shareholders and governs the relationship between them and the company. The parties to a shareholders agreement are typically the founder shareholders and the company and may also include investor shareholders and key stakeholders such as employees who have equity stakes. A shareholder agreement does not have any prescribed form and as such can be flexibly drafted to meet the needs of the relevant parties.

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27 May: Negotiating Intellectual Property Licenses with University Technology Transfer Offices

Navigating the landscape of intellectual property (IP) licenses can be complex, particularly when dealing with university technology transfer offices. These offices manage the commercialization of innovations developed within academic institutions. Securing a license from a university technology transfer office requires a strategic approach and a understanding of the process. Here are some key considerations and steps to successfully negotiate an IP license.


01 Dec: Fines and Penalties for Non-Compliance: DSA, GDPR, and CRD

In the digital age, regulations and directives have been established to protect consumers and ensure a level playing field for businesses. Three significant pieces of legislation in this realm are the Digital Services Act (DSA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the Consumer Rights Directive (CRD). This article provides a brief overview of each and outlines the fines and penalties associated with non-compliance.

Team of online store working with customer

16 Nov: Understanding Lotteries, Competitions, and Prize Draws in the UK: Legal Framework

In the United Kingdom, promotional activities like lotteries, competitions, and prize draws are common marketing tools used by businesses to attract customers. However, these activities are governed by specific laws and regulations to ensure fairness and transparency. Understanding the differences between these promotions and the relevant legal framework is crucial for business.


26 Oct: Limiting Software Reselling: Geography, Field of Use, and Beyond

When offering their software, vendors often seek to establish partnerships to extend their reach, tap into new markets, and leverage the strengths of other organizations in different territories or markets. Yet, while these partnerships can be mutually beneficial, vendors may wish to limit the scope of their software reselling for various reasons. These reasons can range from avoiding market saturation to ensuring the proper representation of their brand in specific territories.


31 Jan: How to Resell Your Software

Bernie Amarillo believed he had done the biggest software deal of his lifetime when he sold his event simulation software. Unfortunately, in signing a standard contract he granted Sakura a worldwide exclusive software license in perpetuity that allowed her to redevelop and relabel the software and sub-license it…