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Why sustainability is NOT only for big companies

Manisha Chowdhry, Commercial & Environmental Lawyer at Logan & Partners, is continuing her discussion with Till Olbrich, partner at Massari Olbrich, about sustainable business practices.

Sustainability is a core business issue for all companies, regardless of the size. Till explains why all businesses should care about having a sustainability program.

This video is part of a series of conversations on sustainability which initially was based around the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative that was voted on 29 November 2020.

Read also

As a company that wants to implement a sustainability program, where should I start?

From theory to practice – where should a company start when deciding to implement a sustainability program. Here is Till’s advice.

What are the legal implications of failing to comply with the Swiss initiative?

Manisha Chowdhry is discussing with Till Olbrich, partner at Massari Olbrich, about the legal risks a company faces if it won’t comply with the Swiss Initiative for Responsible Businesses.

Why comply with the Swiss Responsible Business Initiative? Isn’t a company’s goal just to maximize shareholder wealth?

Manisha Chowdhry is discussing with Till Olbrich, partner at Massari Olbrich, about why it is important to comply with the Swiss  Responsible Business Initiative and what do investors think about sustainability.